Performance Groups

Applications accepted Aug 1-16
We are excited to have you apply for our studio's 2024-2025 performance season! Groups will rehearse each week from September through June with a performance the weekend of Saturday, June 21st.
Dancers are required to attend at least (1) class before August 16th with the choreographer they wish to work with this upcoming year. If you have never attended classes at our studio, we ask that you take 3 classes with the choreographer you'd like to work with this upcoming year.
The cost to join each group is $70/month, and a studio membership of 5 classes is required for each group you are in. (example: 2 groups requires a 10 class membership)​ This upcoming year, we plan to offer performance groups in the following styles:
Contemporary - advanced
led by Kelsey on Thursday evenings (around 8:15pm)
Lyrical - beginner/intermediate
led by Deanna on Tuesday evenings at 8:15pm
Jazz - intermediate
led by Brooke - Time TBD
Hip Hop - intermediate
led by Kelsey on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm
Tap Dance - intermediate
led by Steven on Wednesday evenings at 8:15pm
Tap Dance - advanced
led by Steven on Tuesday evenings at 8:15pm
Please use the link below to start your application.